January 18, 2016

Happy Hats :)

Since shaving my head I have fallen in love with hats, boggans, & headwraps. They make each day fun, especially when a hat matches perfectly with my outfit of the day (#ootd for all you who love hashtags).

Before diagnosis you couldn't get me to wear anything on my head. I didn't like how anything looked. Now, I can't get enough! I'm all the time looking for new ones when I go shopping. I bring home at least one new one from each Chemo week. People make them and donate them to Tennessee Oncology, and patients get them for free! I think that is awesome!

For me, wearing the hats gives me something to look forward to that makes me feel good. They make putting together an outfit a lot more fun, as well as make me happy. Thus the title, "Happy Hats!" :)

Love and Hugs,

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