July 16, 2015

Pray For Chattanooga

Today, my city made national news. There was a shooting at a military recruiting office. Five people were injured. Four military personnel are deceased, one police officer is in stable condition at the hospital.

This is one of those times where "It will never happen here." is ringing loud in my head. I always brush off these stories and think exactly that. Today I cannot do that. Today, my city was shaken. Today my city experienced what has happened in other places. Today, my city will come together as one - we will pray.

I will continue to pray in the days yet to come. I wish that we could get answers to all the questions we all have. Unfortunately, that cannot happen. Some questions will remain unanswered. While this is a sad and tragic event, we must be positive and move forward stronger than we were today before this took place.

I posted a Facebook status this morning that began like this:

My God's Not Dead
He is surely ALIVE.

I did not know that this was going to take place today. However, I feel it could not have been posted at no better time. He is not dead. He is alive right now, in this event. I am thankful I can rest in this peace.


July 8, 2015

God Knows What Time It Is: Reaching Others Through Social Media

That's right friends! God knows what time it is. He knows that we live in in time of Facebook,Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest. He knows that we live in a fast-paced world where having a front porch chat with your neighbor is seemingly unheard of.

My last post here was my personal testimony about letting God take control of my life. He has!!

Friends, I gave up the party life to live for Him and I am rewarded daily. I have asked Him to use me. Let me be a light to others. He is!

How you say?

Right now, I am seeing it through my social media outlets. Likes, shares, comments, etc. It is a blessing to me to know that I am reaching YOU through these outlets, even this blog.

He gave me the gift of writing. I have blessed many with this talent over the last 3 years and I am thankful for that and will continue to do so with whatever comes to mind.  My blog posts may not get many comments, likes, or shares.. but that is okay because they reach someone.

If you are struggling today thinking He cannot use you or you feel like you are not doing enough for Him, ask Him to use you and let Him have control and do what He wants to do; not what YOU want to do.

God can use anyone and anything to reach His people. :)