March 5, 2013

The Confident Woman: Believe in Your Value

This morning, I opened YouVersion and started a 5 day devotional titled The Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer. I have always loved listening to her and would certainly enjoy reading her books. This was a great start and also gets me into the Word! I want to share with you over the next five days my personal thoughts and feelings about the devotional for that day. I hope you enjoy reading!

Day 1: Believe in Your Value
Isa. 43:4-5

Often as women we struggle with self worth and self esteem because we do not fit in as society says we should. We are not size zero, we cannot perform on the job well enough because we are female, etc. I know many who struggle with trying to lose weight or do not have a lot of self confidence in general. It is very painful to see people be like this day in and day out.

My friend, there is someone who has always believed in everyone of us, male or female; God! He loves us no matter what. We do not have to be a perfect model size, the CEO of a company, or Doctor so & so. He chose to accept and love us as imperfect as we are. To Him we have value and worth; and ALWAYS will!

So, next time you start feeling down on yourself, remember you are worth everything to Him!

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