September 4, 2012

World Cerebral Palsy Day

Today is World Cerebral Palsy Day. In honor of this I have my Facebook decked in green with the pictures posted above.

I didn't realize how little awareness and knowledge there was for Cerebral Palsy until I started living on my own. People have asked me, "What's wrong?" many times over the years not realizing they really don't know.

This is one of the main reasons why I started writing for Cerebral Palsy Family Network, in hopes to educate others and give families courage and strength. Speaking of which, the second half of my article will be published September 12, 2012. I hope you are able to read it and enjoy as you do.

I would like to end this by saying a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helps me through this journey. Some live on in my heart, but for those still here that can read this. I mean that. Thank you. I can never express to you how much your friendship, a kind word, a helping hand means to someone in my situation. I know a lot of times I can be bull headed, but I really do appreciate the help I am given. Thank you for pushing me on when times get tough and loving me through it all.

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