January 18, 2016


This past week was my off week from treatment. I felt great nearly all week and was able to get in some much needed sister time!

Most importantly this week I realized how truly blessed I am. I have been doing very well about writing in my prayer journal everyday, and I have noticed quite a few of my prayers have been answered this week. Often times, I don't take time to stop and think about what I have asked God for, and notice if it came to pass or not. This week, I have tried my best to pay attention, and have seen things come to pass.

One day I asked God to let me have a good appetite. This prayer was answered almost immediately. I had 3 good meals that day and when I said my prayers for the evening I made sure to thank Him for answering this small prayer for me. Having a good appetite makes a big difference in the day. I also asked for pain free days, and everyday this week has been pain free except for two very short,  intense spells mid week.

Through these little prayers and giving thanks I received a big blessing this past week! On Friday, January 15 I received an unexpected phone call from my Nurse Practitioner. I thought she was just calling to check in and see how things were going as this is how the conversation began... then she says, "Have you heard the news?" I've no clue what she is talking about... she reads me the letter...

My new wheelchair was approved!!!

I instantly began to cry tears of JOY! I did not expect to hear this anytime soon. We had just submitted an emergency appeal the week before and I didn't think it would go through honestly. Apparently, God had other plans ya'll and I am so glad. I should have my new wheels around the second week of February! I am looking forward to getting them. Everything is going to be so much easier as far as being transported... Mom will be able to put the new chair in her car a whole lot easier than my current one. It's going to be a lot easier for me to get around in as well.

Pictures to come as soon as we pick it up!

Love & Hugs,

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