This year there has been a year for stepping out on faith and exploring new things. The first of which was writing for Cerebral Palsy Family Network. I was very eager when this opportunity arose. Writing has always been a strong point and great outlet in my life. I was a little hesitant after writing my first article. I did not think people would enjoy reading it. I did not think it was written clearly. I was wrong. I have received several responses to both articles, and I've had many friends and fellow readers ask me to follow up with an article about my adult life and living with Cerebral Palsy. Don't worry friends, I'm working on getting it ready! It excites me to know that people love hearing my story through writing. I hope if nothing else it gives them insight and understanding.
Another new venture has come my way in the last couple months. Cooking. You may be thinking, "Well, anyone can cook even if it is a microwave meal." While that is true and I can do that I never thought cooking would go any further than the microwave for me, ever. I have had a Foreman Grill and Crock Pot for 6 years. Both items I can use, but I have always been afraid of burning myself or not cooking something right so I just never bothered. This summer I got tired of eating the same ole stuff all the time and decided it was time I get over this fear. So I have done just that.
The first time I cooked lunch for the girls and I. We had lemon pepper chicken, alfredo noodles, and broccoli with cheese and potatoes. Later, I cooked hamburgers on the grill. Today was my first time using the Crock Pot. I made my first pot of pinto beans. They turned out delicious and I have enough for tomorrow! :)
Learning how to cook gives me a greater since of independence, as it would anyone. It also makes me feel a lot better about myself. Another brick in the wall of life that I am slowly knocking down with every new accomplishment! I find great joy in this. Now instead of having to ask Michael to cook after a long day at work I can have dinner ready by the time he gets home.
Hey! I nominated you for a blog award over on my blog: