April 11, 2011

My Favorites :)

Me and Granny, Grad '10

Me and Mom Grad '10

Jade, My Bestie

Me and my Sis

My Love <3


It's been almost a month since I have posted... but I really took time to ponder this post and think it through. I hope it turns out the way I want it to. If not then I hope it still makes sense to my readers. Bare with me! :)

I have taken the past few weeks and really thought about and concentrated on how blessed I am. There are several things that have brought this too my attention:

As most of you know my Granny is fighting cancer for the 2nd time. When I first learned of this news I was not sure what to think but I gave it to God and so far everything is going great. She is in good spirits and has my Mom with her to help her. How blessed I am that she is so strong and that we have pulled together once again as a family to help her fight this fight. Her faith is so strong. Talking to her or being around her rejuvenates my soul and my faith! She is such a blessing to us all!

I'm blessed to have a wonderful man in my life. Sure we have our spats and whatnot, but they make us stronger. I cannot believe that we have been together nearly 5 years! They have been hard, but they have been worth it. I really and truly believe that we are meant for one another. I still get butterflies every now and then and he has been strong for me when I needed him most. I hope that as we get older our love gets stronger. He loves me for who I am, and I do the same for him!

I'm blessed to know Jesus as my Savior. I don't go to church, but I do believe and I do pray. As previously mentioned in one of my last blogs, I have a prayer journal. It has been a blessing to me as well and is my own personal way of being close to Him!

I'm also blessed to have wonderful friends and family! They're pretty much amazing! :))